Why I Admire Zoella

I have been a fan of Youtube for almost a decade and have watched my favourites in that time. Over the years I have watched Samantha Maria, Patricia Bright, InTheFrow (Victoria), Estee Lalonde and Amelia Liana and now Zoella! It was my sister that actually suggested Zoella to me.

I never thought I would be in the same situation as the other modern day superstars.  Also known as Creators, Bloggers, Youtubers and be creating alongside them.  They were and are viewed as the modern day IT stars and it seems almost everyone wants in.  What is there not to like, the Events, Travel and gifts upon gifts BUT and it’s a BIG but for me SELF – EMPLOYMENT, it would appear they have it all!

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But it seems like no easy journey and I don’t expect it to be.  It is a lot of hard work and like any other job, if you want good results you need to put in the hours (and believe me I’m trying! along side a full time job!)  Because I quickly realised this IS what feels right, this is what I feel I should be doing with my life.  I love creating which we all know involves writing, photography, editing photos, videos and anything else.

Years ago and in the present day, I already had my staple Youtubers I would watch over and over again for the pure fun of it.  Because let’s face it what is on the TV these days?  But now being a fellow creator I find myself watching the videos to learn from them.  What personalities is out there, that seem to draw in the audiences, am I doing enough or could I do more?  What do they have that I don’t have?

Do I have a camera and laptop, yes.  Do I have a fairly clean background, yes. Is my face presentable enough, yeah, I think so.  But over the years I have watched the same people steadily progress over the years and some even seem to just appear at the forefront.

I’m not going to lie when I say this and it is NOT the group of Youtubers iv’e mentioned above. That some of them seem to be attending the same launches, travelling to the same places and being gifted with the same gifts.  And why shouldn’t they if they are with the same agents or sister agent. By all means I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity for any of that stuff, because I think most of us would love a good life if the right opportunities should arise.

It was a bit long winded but we got there in the end…Zoella, I’m not going to lie when I say this but I was not really into Zoella, not even a little bit.  I thought Zoella was an annoying young 20 something BUT it turns out Zoella is a very mature, business minded, down to earth, late 20 something woman.  Who knows EXACTLY what she is doing.  Watching Zoella videos always feels like I’m watching a friend catching up.  It appears that Zoella don’t really take herself too seriously when creating her videos (or is that part of the success / an illusion), Zoella literally is just being herself, the only thing that might have changed over the years is confidence.  Zoella is a very successful young woman, whom fell into blogging and Youtube as a hobby and because of her youthful, girly like manner manages to pull in the younger audience, as well as other age groups.  It brings me to think again, why is Zoella so sucessful and manages to remain so after all this time?

Unlike her peers Zoella is doing all her creativity successfully EFFORTLESSLY, Zoella said in an article, that she does turn a lot of work down.  I can not help but think it is the same kind of work the other girls all attend, and if it is then I guess that is what sets her apart from the others.  Zoella really is the ultimate girl next door who does not try too hard to portray another image of herself. This really does follow through to her Blog, Youtube channel and Instagram.  Even though Zoella IS a mega star in the industry (with her own line of beauty products sold in Superdrug)  I must say I really love her approach to Instagram, Zoella really does show that YOU can have a successful Instagram feed without it looking super glammed up and exotic in bikinis 24/7…because after all it’s meant to be fun and Zoella does it very well!

Who do you admire in this blogging/ Youtube industry? Let me know in the comments below : )



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