

I recently dined at the highly popular vegan/ vegetarian restaurant Manna. Celebrating my sisters birthday.  The beautiful restaurant is based in North West London Primrose Hill and I absolutely love the atmosphere of the area, it reminds me of a little village with a good selection of cuisines and not forgetting the Primrose Hill and great Regents park near by.



Manna offers a cosy and intimate setting with a chic and romantic feel.  This is perfect for a lunch date or wonderful night out.  The menu has an array of interesting and healthy choices and food combinations you would not even have dreamed of.


MannaMixed Green Salad

MannaManna Tropical Twist

To start things off I ordered a lovely mixed green salad and a vegan milk shake to rival all milkshakes, known as none other Manna tropical coconut twister.  This drink immediately transported me to paradise.  A secret Manna recipe of a refreshingly cool vegan milkshake with a twist of your choice: Blueberry, Passion Fruit, Mango or Strawberry.  I chose Mango and it was one of the most delightful drinks I ever tasted.  A creamy delight.

MannaVegetable Tempura

MannaNachos Especiales

MannaOrganic Bangers and Mash

As a non meat eater I try to find alternatives to meat dishes I used to enjoy, such as bangers and mash (for any non UK residents, it is a UK term for sausage and mash potatoes served with gravy).  So when I saw an alternative to this on Mannas menu, I knew I had to try it.

Bear in mind this is a vegan/ vegetarian restaurant, so everything is meat and dairy free.  The sausage was made of organic fennel and pumpkin seed served with parsnip on a bed of carrot mash with cavalo nero, red wine, leek and tyme jus.  I can only some up that meal with one word “yummmm”.

mannaVice Cream and Cookie Semi-Freddo

Dessert was followed by what I can only describe as heaven on a plate.  In the form of a cube were layers of chocolate, vanilla and raspberry ice-cream (dairy free) with chocolate chip (again dairy free) cookies as a base and top with macerated berries.  The dessert did not disappoint, it hit every note and the meal as a whole left me feeling more then satisfied.

I would definitely recommend Manna to anyone who is willing to step out of the conventional box and try something completely new and different.

Have you ever been to a Vegan restaurant, if not would you? let me know in the comments below : )




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