Goals I Want Out Of 2021 New Year So Far

Cheers! As we raise our glasses to a New Year 2021. And with a New Year comes new goals and achievements. It is not too ambitious to start the new year off on a good foot. Creating goals gives a sense of direction and organisation. Setting goals this year seems even more important compared to the year we’ve just had.

So once your done with your virtual NYE parties. If you haven’t already, get your wall planner, simple desk or handbag planner will do and get writing! I’m sure like me, right now you have tones of ideas and reaching those goals might mean a mini mile stone but it is a start. Here are a few I hope to achieve taking baby steps and I am sure as the year progress, there will be many more but for now here are my three, my start.

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winter fashion Goals I Want Out Of 2021 New Year So Far


A mini mile stone, cooking!!! Oh my days I’ll put my hands up and out right say I am not a natural in the kitchen and it is actually my least favourite part of my home. I like to leave my kitchen looking like a showroom and that is as far as my love for it goes.

A quick cup of tea made and I’m out of there, faster than Usain Bolt. I would love to try and cook more this year for sure. I have my eyes on a few pots and pans from John Lewis. And you know with that house hold name, the products will be of quality. Another goal of mine is to get great at wok cooking. It is a simple, healthy yet speedy way to cook fresh.

Because If it is one thing I have been extremely guilty of this dreaded year 2020, is spending too much and I mean way too much of my money on fast food (Uber Eats anyone). Such an unhealthy way to live, It’s any wonder how I’m still alive at this point. As much as I love eating out in London restaurants (will we be able to do that again?) I would also love to cook home cooked meals that are nutritious, great for my skin and body as a whole and packed with protein to raise my energy levels.

winter fashion Goals I Want Out Of 2021 New Year So Far

As I am getting older my body is definitely tell me, in the worst way that I need to start some form of exercising. Something more and other than just rolling out of bed. As I drive to work a short 20 minutes in the car but five days walk, at least the thought of it is a five day walk. I don’t actually get that much exercise. Even though my day job is a Nursery Nurse! So you think running after little ones would be the one but it really is not.

I would really love to get into Yoga and maybe later down the New Year Pilates, that would be the ultimate goal for me! If there is something my body and I can agree on it is, my body is in need of a serious stretch. My back couldn’t be more stiff not to mention my knees eek. I guess I will start the year off with a little light jogging around the block, I’ve always liked that. I love neutral and comfortable clothing on the odd occasion of working out. I love the bum sculpting leggings from Sweaty Betty and they come with pockets!

winter fashion Goals I Want Out Of 2021 New Year So Far

Well it’s official, I’ve taken out the books I wish to read in the coming month of January. Now I just need to set aside time to read them, literally the second goals I wish to reach. Easier said than done in my opinion. I always think of reading a whole book a difficult task. When actually It can be made easier, just choosing to read one or two chapters before bed. Swapping a TV show for a book, will definitely achieve a goal of reading more than I usually would. In my list are self help, health and books on photography.

Have you read my last post?

What are your goals for the New Year 2021? Are they the same as last goals year? Completely something new? Or your not bothered either way?

As always leave me a comment below ; )

Thank you for all of your comments this year, I have enjoyed reading every single one.

And a Happy New Year to You!



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